Week 4 Post 1

Choose two of the following websites
  • Identify at least three potential problems for visitors.
  • What could be improved on these websites and why would these improvements help?
It almost feels crazy going through the given list of websites to choose which websites need improvements and which websites are professional. Observing websites with such of a scope of success and intention makes comparing them feel silly.

Jami Lin's website has a lot of features that may cause problems for visitors. First off, I notice three other websites written out in her heading. If these websites have value to Jami Lin and her product they should be hyperlinked with a clear title. Inviting visitors to her website and instantly sending them to another website is extremely misleading. Secondly her website is not streamlined, her information in the sidebars seem like advertisements for other websites and don't add to a visitor's understanding of her website and her product. Hiding the information about her under a tab labeled 'profile'

Secondly, the gates and fences website is extremely cluttered for viewers. What the website could demonstrate with a slideshow at the top and small captions with links, the spelled out word for word. The website is exhausting and does not direct a visitor where to go.

On a completely different playing field are Apple and the National Park Service. Apple's website was overhauled in the past week and the NPS has staple information that stays the same and a community section with rotating information.

Apple's website focuses on product and design, with limited works, apple is able to sell the product to you by showing it you. The tech specs section using bullets and headers to get the point across, instead of paragraphs and long captions. Being a tech company, a visitor can believe that a product from this website will function with intention and style based off their website. The style is cutting edge and intentional, supporting the brand that Apple products are the newest and the best.

NPS uses a lot of images that display the national parks or concepts the park is promoting. As a search feature, NPS includes a map to direct visitors to select where they are looking to explore. This supports the fundamental geographically and geological focus of the NPS. The information is updated, the quick facts are concise, and the pictures inspire adventure!


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