
Showing posts from October, 2019

Week 10 Post 2

On a blog for Solid Gold I think we would focus on sharing content from others, sharing our completed projects, and having posts written from our staff. I think it is important show that, as a business, you are keeping up with trends, new research, and listening to new people. Sharing articles and videos show that Solid Gold is actively growing and guaranteeing the work we do will not be outdated. Sharing completed projects is like a portfolio and it's important to keep it updated with projects that have been completed and have succeeded. Shouting out a a successful business Solid Gold used to consult with shows community and is example of a success story. Lastly, I think Solid Gold is a business based around connecting with individuals and understanding them and their company. Therefore, I believe having posts written by staff focusing on different ideas and issues could strengthen the team of Solid Gold and help customers see the individuality and creativity in our business...

Week 10 Extra Credit

Proof of Extra Credit -

Week 10 Post 1

I used to run a childcare center and I remember going to a conference for childcare employees and the whole conference started off with the idea of story telling. We are story telling people and we understand lessons and ideas through stories. So the best way to connect to an audience is through storytelling. Likeable Social Media pointed out that formerly very expensive, story telling is now relatively free. Storytelling is a powerful way to allow customers to feel a strong emotional connection with your company. A personal story can be captivating and get people to listen to what a company has to say. By focusing on the brand, the customer, and the employee, a business can always have a story to tell. A personal touch and story in a blogpost may not always be the best route to take though. I believe that when owning up to mistakes, admitting wrong doing, and saying we will do better, sharing a personal interest story is not the time. Sometimes being straightforward and meaning wh...

Week 9 Post 1

I enjoyed using the advanced search feature where posts can be searched for any of the following words. Using that feature really expanded my search results. I could use words like marketing, social media, consulting, branding all in one search and get many results. I created two lists, one was an "inspirations" tab and one was a list called "like-minded" I think these two lists with give me creative ideas and help me connect with different parts of a similar business community. Tweets, like many social media posts, are often viewed in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening. These times of day often yield the highest response and engagement  from individuals.

Week 8 Post 2

My business is a social media consulting company. When researching other similar companies I found a lot of individuals who run an instagram with their face as the focus of their business. With social media consulting I can see how that makes sense, as clients would trust someone to understand trends and social media if they are hip and understanding trends themselves. I also see business using their face paired with graphics sharing things like "10 tips to Instagram Brands." Common hashtags used across multiple business of different sizes and styles are "instagrammarketing," "digitalagency," "socialmediaexperts," and "socialmediaconsulting." These hashtags make sense for individuals who are actively seeking help or guidance on their social media accounts. The highest levels of response on these instagrams are posts where they invite followers to respond and answer questions. Sometimes that question is also rhetorical and offers inf...

Week 8 Post 1

When considering social media I think Instagram has the best platform for my business. Being a social media consulting company, I believe people are going to be looking for a company that can compose themselves and prove themselves. Visually Instagram can provide a lot of information in a really simple way. Instagram also allows more information to be conveyed briefly through stories and highlights. This platform works really well for almost any business, but especially well for one that understands how to have a theme and convey information in an engaging way.

Week 7 Post 2

I have opted to begin posting links to articles that may peak interest in considering the importance of social media and the service Solid Gold provides. I also used an image to route people to our booking feature. The content I have scheduled begins to explain the company in blog style posts accompanied by photos, videos, and links.

Week 7 Post 1

ColumnFiveMedia TheStudio SocialMediaToday WordStream BuzzFeed TheOregonian PDX Small Business Network For this activity I tried to follow media business and local business and news sources. I think this can be an advantage because it can help me see opportunities to connect with my community if my business were real.

Week 6 Post 1

Reach and engagement  are building blocks of each other, it is a progression . Reach happens in a few different ways, organically, virally, or by paid promotion. Reach is the number of people your post is viewed by. A post can reach people organically by naturally appearing in a timeline, virally when users like and share a post, or from a paid promotion. Once a post reaches viewers, it can then be checked for post engagement Engagement is when a post is commented on, liked, or shared. Engagement is anytime people perform an action on your post.  This two components of social media are dependent on each other. It is important to understand both in order to help both grow. You can have a high percentage of post engagement compared to your reach and still have a really low reach, or you could be reaching high numbers of people, but without engagement cannot thrive. Knowing the different in these two and how they react to each other is crucial.  I...