Week 6 Post 1

Reach and engagement are building blocks of each other, it is a progression. Reach happens in a few different ways, organically, virally, or by paid promotion. Reach is the number of people your post is viewed by. A post can reach people organically by naturally appearing in a timeline, virally when users like and share a post, or from a paid promotion. Once a post reaches viewers, it can then be checked for post engagement

Engagement is when a post is commented on, liked, or shared. Engagement is anytime people perform an action on your post. 

This two components of social media are dependent on each other. It is important to understand both in order to help both grow. You can have a high percentage of post engagement compared to your reach and still have a really low reach, or you could be reaching high numbers of people, but without engagement cannot thrive. Knowing the different in these two and how they react to each other is crucial. 

Insights help give business clues as to what time of day to post, the kind of content people like to view from them, as well as the audience who views their posts and how to tailor content for the majority. Understanding insights is like a psychology and a science, it's important to know what people enjoy and it's important to know how to reach those people.


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