Week 1: Themes
While browsing templates, I struggled to find one that spoke to me. I made a list and prioritized the things I wanted. I wanted a clean design and I wanted the colors to speak to me. To help me decide what colors to use, I decided to go through my photos for inspiration. I found a photo I took and created a color story from the photo. I pulled dark greens form the greenhouse, light grays from the gravel, and used a shade of brown for highlight. Throughout my blog I used a few variations of greens to try and provide a little depth. Next, to help create a clean design, I decided to focus on the font. I wanted all my fonts to reflect the same style with slight variation to highlight levels of importance. I have always been a fan of the high contrast of Didot. Limited by the fonts Blogspot provides, I simply varied the fonts by bolding titles and paired Didot with another serif font. Didot is a modern font that creates a sleek and streamlined look. Fun fact, Didot is popular in the f...
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